Donate to Change a Child's Life Forever image

Donate to Change a Child's Life Forever

Your gift will give brand new smiles to children with clefts...

$46,772 raised

$50,000 goal

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Thousand Smiles Foundation provides life-saving surgeries and related health care for FREE to underserved children so that they can eat properly, speak normally, be more accepted in their communities to live normal lives.

Natalia before surgery and 3 years after

Mission Statement

To provide quality professional medical treatment without cost to patients with maxillofacial deformities who, without our help, would go untreated. To use our facilities to provide dental care to under privileged children in the areas in which we work. To promote a bilateral interchange of medical, dental and surgical techniques between the medical professionals from the USA and the countries in which we work. To foster strong International Relationships between Rotarians from Districts here and abroad.